Thursday 13 January 2011

15mm Borodino 1812: The BIG Xmas Game I missed (French)

Note: Rules Used = Age of Eagles (Napoleonic Fire and Fury)
(I have to write it here as for some reason I cannot post comments, even to my own blog: moral of the story is never change passwords unless you really have to!)

The Battle of Borodino 1812

Nothing subtle about this, to make the Russians fight and not drift away, Napoleon had to resort to a stand-up slug-fest and attack a strong defensive position the Russians were confident of holding. No subtle manoeuvring here but a Grand Battery versus Grand Battery affair. 

Due to my hectic travel schedule and family commitments I missed the opportunity to participate in the Xmas session of the 15mm 1812 Borodino spectacular put on by my local club. However as the fight was still going on mid-January (the battle "game turn wise" is just over half-way) and is expected to finish late-January, I managed to play catch-up.

Circling round from the French far right:

A Corp of cavalry marking the end of the French dispositions, hiding in cover to avoid the attention of artillery (there seemed to be a lot of it about!). To the left of this formation (but to the right of the picture if you get it, as I am looking from the Russian lines) is a large formation or more probably "plural" of French (though of Germanic origin as per history) taking advantage of the cover from some woods. To be fair the eyes of the artillery are everywhere and they have fought and overrun the Russian advanced positions.

To the French right-centre:

Now from behind the French lines, the hidden French infantry mentioned above are to the right of the picture. Here we see a lot of reserve French cavalry and the immediate reserves of French infantry disputing the now empty "Russian central fletches". Yes the initial French attacking are mostly in the spent box off-table. The Russian infantry were systematically blown into "Spent" status before being attacked by French infantry. Nevertheless it was a bloody affair as the Russian heavy guns took a toll of the French line infantry, but the French are still pushing forward here, though losing momentum. The "Young, Middle and Old Guard" are to the left of this picture.

To the French centre-centre:

The pushed around terrains pieces tells their own story, as does the French infantry formation, now rallied but facing towards the camera (i.e. currently going a different way to the rest of the French Grand Army). The Russians are counter-attacking here, but the French are still relatively strong. The "Great Redoubt and the town of Borodino" are to the left of the picture, to the right are the contested "small fletches". The balance of power is about 50:50 here with the Russians taking casualties as they attack.

To the French centre-left:

The point of French crisis. The last fresh French infantry unit faces Borodino. Two whole Corps have been thrown against the town which is still in Russian hands. A point of French command-and-control controversy is building here as the commander on the spot seems to have been a serial gambler, and lost. The Russians are mounting a significant (if not ominous) counter-attack on now "very much" weakened French infantry.

To the French far-left:

Those of a French disposition or leaning in Napoleonics, but with a nervous medical condition should not focus on the picture or read any further. Fresh Russian cavalry and infantry are rushing out of Borodino to attack across the river. They have odds, artillery, a better status and combined arms in they favour. Draw your own conclusions. The only French reserve is a cavalry Corp facing off some nuisance value Russian Cossacks, however it is now being asked to face and attack in multiple directions.

The only French good news here is that it is so far away from the centre of the battlefield, the left wing is lost but that does not necessarily mean the battle is also lost. 


It looks like both sides will run out of fresh infantry before the number of game turns runs out (bar the saga of the French left and Russuan right). The final position/resting place of the lines of spent infantry will decide the victor(?) of this blood-bath.

Nevertheless an impressive sight of wall-to-wall Napoleonics and I am looking forward to the prospect of rolling some dice to add a little contribution of my own to the proceedings


Stryker said...

A great looking battle - what rules are you using?


Tim Gow said...

That looks to be a very busy table. Plenty for you still to do.

Ray Rousell said...

Looks and sounds like a good game!