Sunday 25 June 2017

Bob's Book: Portable Wargame

A nice little read, Mr Bob Cordery's "The Portable Wargame" and I am glad I've bought it. Why? Two reasons:

  • It goes to the heart of the matter of KIS KIT "Keep It Simple but Keep It True". A bit like Formal Methods in Computer Science - "Less is actually a lot More" particularly when simple rules can develop into [unexpected] complex phenomenon ;)
  • For a small investment in material new periods can be investigated (I never thought I would consider "Colonial" but here's me thinking 15mm or 6mm Zulu War! Not since DBA have I seen such a good ROI (Return On Investment) with figures and the potential to play numerous games with minimal effort.

That T-34 immediately begs a few WWII wargames to my mind, not too dissimilar to Phil Sabin's games (FireMove comes to mind) from his Simulating War (see below):  

Watch this space for an After Action Report in the near future hopefully!

As a footnote, this little book was a lifesaver on a very long, work-related, train journey from hell. Thankfully this little book was slipped into my laptop bag inconspicuously and helped pass teh time and entertained my through a solo lunch in the hotel ;)

PS I see Bob has another volume out exctending his rules system, heading back into the Ancients period!

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